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Posts tagged “Gizmos and Gadgets

Gizmos and Gadgets

As seen in the February Issue of MSM. For a current issue visit: www.mainstreetmagazine.net

Gizmos and Gadgets by Debra Young

Last month I decided to do gizmos and gadgets room by room, and of course throw in a few seasonal or yard gadgets when the spirit moves me. Last month we looked at bathrooms…and this month…the living room!

Living Room Gadgets

Gizmos and Gadgets with Debra Young


Remote Controlled Colour Changing Light Bulbs: Now and again we stumble across a gadget that gets everyone a little bit excited. The remote Controlled Colour Changing Light Bulbs sent waves of child-like giddiness through me.

It did this because turned an everyday boring item into a brilliant piece of remote controlled gadgetry that does not cost the earth to buy!

Light bulbs use to be the bane of a man’s existence as they always needed changing and on the hole were pretty dull. They could be made slightly more interesting if you forked out for a red bulb for the bedroom, in the hope of tricking some lusty lady into thinking she was on the scene of a rough 80s “special interest” film set, but only a few had the talent to pull this off and not look like a proper weirdo.

Fat Boy – Giant Bean Bag

I remember when every bedroom couldn’t be without a bean bag or two. They were one of those must-have accessories and they’re pretty comfortable too to be honest. However, big bean bags have never been seen like this before. For the first time ever, everyone will want a Fat Boy. It may even become legal requirement to sit on a Fat Boy…OK enough with that!


The Fat Boy

The Fatboy have been seen before on Channel 4’s hit (or perhaps something that rhymes with that anyway) TV show Big Brother. It’s extremely versatile, you can lie on it, you can sit on it as it moulds around your every move.

When sitting on this giant bean bag, if you get it right it, it positions into a full-on arm chair with arm rests and everything. When you lie on it, the ends fold up to create pillows. It really does revolve around you.

It’s basically just a large bag full of beans, like any big bean bag. It comes in many different colours and patterns. Blue, black, brown or even camouflage so there really is one for everyone.

Not only can this Fat Boy giant bean bag be made into a great bed, chair or pillow, but no matter which dirty greasy fellow slobs might use it, it’s a doddle to clean. It’s made from a high tech nylon which can sustain being wiped down with soap and a wet cloth.

The Fat Boy giant bean bag is a must have for a lazy boy (or girl) who wants somewhere comfy to sprawl on. There’s nothing more to say than just… get one!

Purchase it here: http://www.firebox.com/product/1475/Fatboy?aff=512&awc=550_1288813499_cdde70ae9283b1c9eca5cf97308310dc